blackmores limited v h ma enterprises pty ltd & anor [2018] nswsc 129757
vanguard financial planners pty ltd & anor v ale & ors [2018] nswsc 314 (led by christopher wood)
bazaarvoice inc v suede one to one pty limited and panasonic australia pty limited [2013] district court, 200th judicial district travis county, texas usa, no d-1-gn-13-004278.
think spirits pty ltd v vish enterprises pty ltd [2011] nswlc 285082
brandup business solutions pty ltd v maelstrom mccarthy pty ltd [2009] nswdc 5702
burkert contromatic australia pty ltd v nicole salazar [2009] nswlc 1477
residential property investments pty ltd v leon moses raaff and denoz cranes pty ltd and dennis brijeski [2007] nswdc 1032
bellmarch developments pty limited v stoneleigh designer homes pty limited and ors [2007] fmca 1690
select properties (aust) pty ltd v master property holdings pty limited [2007] nswsc 2865
nick jamons and anor v bellmarch developments pty limited and jrj plumbing services pty ltd [2007] nswcttt hb 07/24295
jeffrey edward buhler and fiona buhler v bradley scott james turner and kelly marie lee skelly turner and peter john bayssari and baycorp (nsw) pty ltd and peter lawrence duffy and all building certifiers pty ltd and repel pest management pty ltd [2006] nswdc 3870
peek developments pty limited v medium density management pty limited [2004] nswlc 135
office of fair trading v solar lifestyle pty limited [2004] nswcttt b04/3988
turrell building services pty limited and anor v hudson timber & hardware limited [2003] nswlc 17485
rageaway pty ltd v pike’s plant hire & services [2002] nswsc 6154